Cemetary Database Access

Cemetary Database
Navigation ‘How To’

This site shows all cemetery plots in our two cemetery’s in town as well as vacant plots available for purchase. The link provided will take you to a PDF document “How to” for navigating the website.


Click here for voter locations:

Best places to live ...

Better known as New Sharon, Iowa was developed in 1856 and occupies approximately one square mile in Mahaska county. Today, it is a friendly little town of approximately 1300 people – way out in the middle of everywhere – 12 miles north of Oskaloosa, 17 miles south of Grinnell and 15 miles east of Pella. Through more than a century and a half of growth, our town has kept its charm and beauty. NEW SHARON, IOWA  50207

Listed among one of the Best Places to Live –

Help Wanted
Deputy Clerk

The CITY OF NEW SHARON is seeking a Part time Deputy Clerk. 

Deputy Clerk duties include: Customer service, payroll, budgets and reports, accounts receivable, licenses & permits, records management, data entry, answering phones, working with public and administrative support to the city clerk.

Knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Word and learning G-Works software. Must be willing to work some evenings for council meetings if needed. Criminal Background checks will be performed prior to employment. Applications can be picked up at New Sharon City Hall or downloaded from the City’s website at www.newsharoniowa.com.

Applications can also be mailed to PO Box 507 New Sharon, IA  50207.  Applications will be accepted until noon on September 26th, 2024.

Application here -



City Ordinance 52.04

The owners, agents or occupants of all lots and parcels of ground within the City shall cut, or cause to be cut, all weeds or tall grass on their respective premises as aforesaid not later than… (read ordinance)

Did you know …. that it is not acceptable to discharge lawn clippings into a city street where it is likely to be washed into the storm sewer?

City Ordinance 135.03


It is unlawful for any person to throw or deposit on any street or alley any glass, glass bottle, nails, tacks, wire, cans, trash, garbage, rubbish, litter, offal,leaves, grass or any other debris likely to be washed into the storm sewer and clog the storm sewer, or any substance likely to injure any person, animal or vehicle.”

Iowa State Flag

Dog Leash Requirement

Code of Ordinances

Any person owning a dog shall confine the same from running at large.

It is the duty of every person owning a dog to:

1. Confine the dog by good and sufficient means; or

2. Cause the dog to be under the control of a person competent to restrain and control the dog, either by leash, cord, chain or other similar restraint of sufficient strength and not more than six (6) feet in length; or

3. Properly restrain in a motor vehicle, or keep the dog in a veterinary hospital or registered kennel.

A muzzled dog shall not be deemed to have been restrained unless the above conditions are also met.


2023 Annual Financial ReportNational Pollutant DischargeSmall Business Grant APP

Chapter View

Updated Code of Ordinaces APPROVED: 03-Feb-2021

The Code of Ordinances of the City of New Sharon, Iowa were approved after a Public Hearing. The new Code of Ordinances can be viewed by clicking the image above, or by visiting the menu option Ordinances (Building Permit) on the launch page of this website.
2014 Audit Results

A copy of the June, 2014 audit report is available for review in the City Clerk’s office, in the Office of the Auditor of State and on the Auditor of the State’s website.
Audit Report

Contact Us!

We welcome your comments. Please take a minute to let us know what is on your mind. Or if there is any information that would be of interest to City Hall, we would welcome the opportunity for you to share it with us.
Contact Us


City snow ordinances – read the PDF document of Ordinances relating to snow removal requirements; including your responsibility as a property owner along with those that maintain the properties of others.
Snow Ordinances


A copy of the 2017 Water Quality report is available for your review. Clicking on the icon will take you to the PDF report.
Water Quality